2024년 이화여자대학교 대 뉴욕지구 동창회 장학생 모집 공고 (~6/30)

대뉴욕지구 이화여자대학교 동창회(회장 김영신) 장학회(위원장 곽인영)가 2024년도 장학생을 선발합니다.

뉴욕동창회 장학금은 I, II 두 가지로 구분해 지급합니다.

  • 장학금 I은 대학에 재학 중인 뉴욕 동포 자녀를 대상으로 2명을 선발해 각각 3,000달러씩 수여하고,
  • 장학금 II는 이화여대 동문 출신으로 현재 미국에서 유학 중인 대학원(석·박사과정) 재학생 1명에게 4,000달러를 지급합니다.

신청마감/ 6월 30일


1) Scholarship I: Undergraduates

– Eligibility: Reside in the Greater New York area & Currently enrolled in an accredited US undergraduate educational institution

– Award (Two): $3,000/each

2) Scholarship II: Alumnae Graduates

– Eligibility: Alumnae of Ewha Womans University & Currently enrolled in a graduate program of an accredited US educational institution

– Award (One): $4,000

General Rules for Scholarships I and II

  1. Complete the application forms provided by the Scholarship Committee of EWU Alumnae Association of Greater New York and submit them by June 30, the fiscal year, to the current Scholarship Committee chair.
  2. The form can be downloaded from www.ewhany.com.
  3. The following supporting documents must be postmarked or emailed directly to the current Scholarship Committee chair by June 30:
    • Official transcripts sent by the school
    • Two recommendations: academic and personal sent by the recommenders
  4. Final Notification will be given by July 31, the fiscal year.
  5. Please send all of your documents to the current Scholarship Committee chair:
    • Address: In Young Yang
    • 3 Twig CT, E. Setauket, NY 11733
    • ■ Email: inyoungbio@gmail.com

Application Form

(Click to download Word Format Application Form–>) Scholarship Application.docx

▲문  의

곽인영 장학위원장
Email: inyoungbio@gmail.com

Author: EwhaGNY1

EwhaGNY 1

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